Quilt Village:
Lives Pieced Together
Retirement Oriented Development @ Serdang, Selangor
Fourth Place, Retirement Oriented Development Design Competition 2019
Retirement is not about feeling useless, growing old is not about being isolated. Situated at Universiti Putra Malaysia in Serdang, Selangor, the Quilt Village is conceived as an active aging community that provides opportunities for social interaction and wellbeing. Envisaged as an integrated aging-in-place facility, the project will generate a conducive and positive environment for recuperation and wellness, offering multiple levels of care and support for seniors at all stages in the aging process.
Weaving the Social Fabric
Aiming towards establishing a socially cohesive community among people of all ages from different backgrounds, the intervention proposes an integrated home-like environment that connects residents, families and employees altogether. Linkages and meeting points are metaphorised as thread and needles, weaving residential clusters, social hubs and healthcare support throughout the site, actively engaging people with each other, like pieces of fabric being stitched into a masterpiece.
Photo with teammates:
from left: Chong Wei Hao, Soon Beng Thye, me,
Ong Poh Yin, Chan Lek Heng